Tag Archives: society

Banking 102, Freedom from Hamster Cage.

     We The People have the power to transform our World.  As a Society and with our local communities we must take Responsibility and educate ourselves in order to make positive changes and decisions. Instead of circulating debt and uncertainty we have the power to re-create the current system which seems to be feeding a dysfunctional wealth depleting Model almost acting like a Tapeworm which ends up dismantling communities instead of building healthy ones. Take the first step by watching this interesting google video titled, “How to Navigate the Falling Dollar” by Catherine Austin Fitts. Then again you may choose to just go back to sleep while our family and friends continue to die and fight the never ending Wars.

War, People and Banking

     A war with Iran will also become a war with the American way of life since the minute that country decides to even knock a tree down Martial Law may be imposed on us. How you may ask? Well, very simply with all the executive orders and new legislations that have been recently created under this administration. This situtation has been discussed and documented in writing by several researchers, business owners and scholars.  Most individuals are fully aware that just like in a game of Chess all the key pawns and chessboard pieces have been laid out in a certain form in order to win a certain objective. If we study many of the articles and even discussions in the CFR (Council and foreign Relations) site you could easily hear and see the sound bites for some kind of catastrophe to take place that will re-shape our sovereign nation. Even with the former governor of Massachusets Weld, and Robert Pastor and other North American Union promoters having laughter in the background that it will take some kind of disaster as the only way that Americans who are very unlike “the Europeans” to allow themselves to be easily molded or accepting of “Institutions”, to accept the NAU that has as its precursor the term spp.gov.

      The spp.gov or the “security” and prosperity partnership.gov and not sure why labeled .gov since no one here has voted for such an organization to transform our way of government or of doing business to just change our system of checks and balances and forcing us into a harmonized by stealth integration with Canada, Mexico and US.  A backdoor way of creating a war with Iran will be the perfect meal ticket for the special interests and key players to have that very much desired new financial and government system for the United States and its people.

     Are wars, money and banking now more important than Nations and people? And if financial markets and ease of operation rule more how will it affect down the road society? People and their influence with special needs help shape a society and if we allow big business and governments to solely have the power to shape it then it could mean the end of civilization as we know it. The People place the constrainsts on big business and government so that it could work with them and not detrimentally taking away via taxes, inimical laws or with loss of Freedoms. Maybe we need to teach banking in the first grade at elementary schools but if we did even 7 year olds may throw mud pies at the banks. Kids are very perceptive and even more clever than many of us adults and in five minutes may figure out that perhaps our main problem is not people but the Wars and banks themselves.  Please review literature on banking history.

The US Republic

US Liberty     This is an introduction to my blog, The US Republic that I wish to dedicate to the American people and to our friends across the world. I have always wanted to express my appreciation, admiration, value and regard for our cultural way of life and freedoms.  Instead of having most of my information and found research inside of a file, saved pieces of clipped articles, jotted down comments and or ideas, this blog will serve as a place to hold them all.  Another great feature will be greetings and special visits from and to mainstream guests from across many cities both at home and abroad.  This provides an avenue for the average person to provide their own experiences, stories, and or ideas that by the power of their own voice help bring awareness that may help improve our US Republic.
       I wish to take the opportunity here in this first segment to define the word, Republic. A republic is a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of its citizens who are entitled to vote for representatives chosen by them, and not appointed by other outside interests. People and their special needs help forge and shape a healthy society and not just business or market forces. If we allow market forces, governments and business as the only ones to shape it, this could mean the end of civilization as we now know it. We have been very lucky to be one of the youngest Nations with a very unique form of government that protects its people. Our formed Constitution inspired and created by those who founded this Nation knew by personal experience the value that is Liberty. The freedom of speech, freedom of the press and the freedom to enterprise is granted to us at birth. The only restrictions are those that the individual may place on himself by lack of belief in his abilities.

     The words, We the People, are the section of our Constitution that places the constraints on government in taking away our basic rights. In today’s international climate it will be up to us to stand up to the forces that may wish to dismantle those constraints. So, with this definition we could also say that this is also the people’s blog for it wishes to preserve the rights, freedoms and the true beauty that is us and our US Republic. Together with others in the international economic world and their citizens we could trade while at the same time respecting our boundaries, freedoms and rules of law. In a sense, traveling, doing business, sharing ideas while still preserving our identities. In this manner our Us Republic could still be able to remain the beacon of light and freedom that helped inspire the rest of the world.